Please closely read the information below, and use the "Service" drop down menu for more information and resources.
Community Service Information
To access an award through the Bright Futures Program, a student must complete a program of community service work, as approved by the school, which will require the student to identify a social problem that interests him or her, develop a plan for his or her personal involvement in addressing the problem, and through papers or other presentations, evaluate and reflect upon his or her experience.(Florida Statute 1009.534).
Volunteer Service or Paid Work may include, but is not limited to, a business or governmental internship, work for a nonprofit community service organization, or activities on behalf of a candidate for public office. These hours will meet the requirement for the Florida Bright Futures Award Program. Students must satisfy the hours requirement by either completing all volunteer hours OR completing 100 paid work hours.
Community Service is defined as identifying and addressing a social issue in the community. This requires students to look beyond themselves and reach out to an issue faced by our society today (i.e. poverty, abuse, elderly citizen, homelessness). These hours will count towards the community service requirement for the Florida Bright Futures Award Program.
Students must complete a Community Service Proposal Form and submit it for approval to a school counselor or other designated
individual prior to beginning the service.
Students should keep copies of all documentation that is submitted to the school.
Students must perform the service during non-school hours.
Fundraising may count as community service if all funds raised are donated to address a social issue in the community.
A parent/guardian cannot represent as a service agency.
Community service hours will be capped at 8 hours per day.
Only work hours earned beginning of July 1st, 2022 will be accepted.
All community service hour and work hours documentation MUST be submitted by the school’s graduation date for a graduating senior. Any community service hours submitted after the graduation date even if earned prior to graduation will not be accepted. There are no exceptions to this stipulation.
Hours That Are Not Acceptable
Service for the sole benefit of Brooks DeBartolo Collegiate High School and/or any of its clubs or organizations such as volunteering to set up for school events (banquets, meetings, etc.) would not count as hours for Bright Futures consideration as it is solely benefiting BDCHS or one of its clubs/organizations.
If a club/organization meets after school to organize materials to be donated to a local organization, this would count for Bright Futures hours as it serves the community and those in need.
Volunteer Service or Paid Work may include, but is not limited to, a business or governmental internship, work for a nonprofit community service organization, or activities on behalf of a candidate for public office. These hours will meet the requirement for the Florida Bright Futures Award Program. Students must satisfy the hours requirement by either completing all volunteer hours OR completing 100 paid work hours.
Community Service is defined as identifying and addressing a social issue in the community. This requires students to look beyond themselves and reach out to an issue faced by our society today (i.e. poverty, abuse, elderly citizen, homelessness). These hours will count towards the community service requirement for the Florida Bright Futures Award Program.
- Florida Academic Scholars - 100 hours of community service and/or 100 hours of paid work
- Florida Medallion Scholars - 75 hours of community service and/or 100 hours of paid work
Students must complete a Community Service Proposal Form and submit it for approval to a school counselor or other designated
individual prior to beginning the service.
Students should keep copies of all documentation that is submitted to the school.
Students must perform the service during non-school hours.
Fundraising may count as community service if all funds raised are donated to address a social issue in the community.
A parent/guardian cannot represent as a service agency.
Community service hours will be capped at 8 hours per day.
Only work hours earned beginning of July 1st, 2022 will be accepted.
All community service hour and work hours documentation MUST be submitted by the school’s graduation date for a graduating senior. Any community service hours submitted after the graduation date even if earned prior to graduation will not be accepted. There are no exceptions to this stipulation.
Hours That Are Not Acceptable
- Family related activities
- Court mandated community service
- Service for the sole benefit of a religious house of worship and/or its congregation
- Co-curricular activities that are course requirements
- An activity where there is no leader or responsible adult on site to evaluate and confirm student performance
- Donations in exchange for hours (ex. blood, Locks of Love)
- Fostering of animals
- Hours performed overnight at camps or designated events (exception of Relay for Life)
- Hours submitted after graduation- No Exception
Service for the sole benefit of Brooks DeBartolo Collegiate High School and/or any of its clubs or organizations such as volunteering to set up for school events (banquets, meetings, etc.) would not count as hours for Bright Futures consideration as it is solely benefiting BDCHS or one of its clubs/organizations.
If a club/organization meets after school to organize materials to be donated to a local organization, this would count for Bright Futures hours as it serves the community and those in need.