Any student interested in college athletics should speak with his/her coach about being recruited and talking with college representatives. A student who is experiencing interest from post-secondary institutions should ensure he/she meets all requirements expected of that college/university and the division the school is a part of. Students should begin creating an account with the appropriate eligibility center during the sophomore year. All post-secondary institutions hold a high priority for the academic well-being of their athletes, thus the term "student athlete". For this reason, earning good grades is an important aspect of being recruited as it demonstrates a strong work ethic, perseverance, and discipline. The two main divisions in college sports, and resources for each, are shown below:
- NCAA Eligibility Center: Click here
- Path to the Student Athlete Experience (movie file): Click here
- NCAA Student Athlete Student and Parent Resources: Click here
- Eligibility Center:
- NAIA Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete: Click here